We would like to welcome Alistair Buchanan as a Senior Associate of URA.
Alistair will be well known to you as the former CEO of Ofgem, who oversaw the development of the internationally recognised ‘RIIO’ regulatory framework. Alistair was also part of the team that advised the Essential Services Commission during the development of its PREMO assessment framework, and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from his thirty plus years in the utilities sectors.
Alistair is currently serving as the Chairman of Electricity North West, and is a Non Executive Director with Falck. Prior to this, Alistair was a Non Executive Director (NED) and member of the Audit Committee at Scottish Water Ltd. Between 2018 -2020, Chair of Storegga and he was an Independent NED at Thames Water Utilities Ltd where he was also the Chair of the Planning & Strategy Committee.
We are really excited to have Alistair form part of our service offering to our clients!