Utilities Regulation Advisory
Utilities Regulation Advisory
KEVIN NGUYEN2024-05-31T06:24:48+00:00

Kevin has had over 6 years of experience working as a regulatory analyst across the Victorian water sector and regulator. He has built a range of experience across tariff modelling and analysis, water sector policy and regulation in support of improved business and customer outcomes.

Prior to URA, Kevin was part of the Price Submission delivery team at Greater Western Water and lead key components such as tariff reform, demand forecasting, customer outcomes and performance reporting under the PREMO framework.

Kevin holds a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (Economics) and is studying a Masters of Economics.

Highlighted Experience

Economic Regulation, Strategy and Planning, Greater Western Water (formally City West Water)2024-03-03T23:00:27+00:00
  • Lead key elements of GWW’s first price PREMO submission: customer outcomes and measures development, performance, tariff strategy, reform and modelling, bill simulator development for engagement, price control and adjustment mechanism proposals, demand forecast and modelling, and service standards and GSL development.
  • Development of excel-based performance tracking tools, policy and tariff reform analysis for industry / government reform options, guidance on all pricing and tariff related matters as part of the new billing system development and roll-out.
  • Development of a tariff basket price model. This includes supporting customer engagement and senior executive briefing for submission.
  • Lead for annual tariff approvals across the business, including systems upload of prices and coordination of approval of miscellaneous charges across business.
  • Lead for regulatory reporting to ESC and other regulatory stakeholders and internal business KPI reporting to senior executives using PowerBi.
Regulatory Analyst, Price Monitoring and Regulation, Essential Services Commission2024-03-03T23:00:12+00:00
  • Led cost of debt, form of price control and demand assessments for the 2020 Water Price Review of Goulburn-Murray Water and Western Water.
  • Assessed all water business’ 2019-20 tariffs and amendments to schedules. This included the production of new excel-based models.
  • Assessing the Port of Melbourne’s 2019-20 tariff compliance statement against its legislative requirements, specifically leading the assessment of gamma and the market risk premium.
  • Advised water businesses on any ad-hoc regulatory requests – such as pricing principles, forms of price control, tariff structures and cost of debt.
  • Analysed pricing and expenditure issues for 17 water businesses under the new PREMO framework for the 2018 Water Price Review. This includes sensitivity and trend analysis, data visualisation and quality assurance of models.
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